Figure 12.2 shows the sequence diagram of the proposed system. In the proposed system IoT plays a major role. The purpose of the IoT in this system is to share the data with the users. Raspberry Pi (Kaveeya et al. 2017b) is connected with a Wi-Fi module. The farmers or gardeners have to register their mobile with Raspberry Pi for communication and control. The information of the soil is transmitted to the Wi-Fi network through the signal conditioning circuit of various sensors. The physical information of the soil such as soil moisture, the temperature is sent to the Wi-Fi, it is stored in the cloud and shared with the user using IoT.
The moisture sensor checks the water content in the soil. If it is less than the reference value, the information is passed on to the farmer. The farmer turns on the motor to irrigate the crops through the mobile phone (Brindha et al. 2017; Neeraj Kumar et al. 2018a; Maurya and Kumar et al. 2017; Kumar et al. 2011; Kumar et al. 2018). The information about height of the crops and chlorophyll in the plant is also shared to the user’s personal computer with an internet connection or smartphone. If the moisture content of the soil is lower than the reference value, then the command from the user device is transmitted to the field section through IoT, then the irrigation system is activated and the water is supplied to the field. If the moisture content of the soil reaches the span value, then the irrigation system is deactivated, this information is also transmitted to the user (Neeraj Kumar et al. 2018b, 2018c, 2018d). This is a chain process of this particular proposed irrigation system.
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