We solved the previous example by a simple rule: Let us pick the most profitable item and try producing as much as we can; if we hit a market limitation, consider the next most profitable item, and go on until we run out of resource availability. However, there must be something more to it. To begin with, we had just one resource; what if there are many? Well, maybe one of them will prove to be the bottleneck and will limit overall production. But there is another issue, as we expressed the capacity constraint as the number of overall items that we could produce each day. What if each item consumes a different amount of each resource? In order to see that things may be a tad more complicated, let us consider another toy example.6
We are given
- Two item types (P1 and P2) that we are supposed to produce and sell
- Four resource types (machine groups A, B, C, and D) that we use to produce our end items
Note that all of the above resources are needed to produce an item of either type; they are not alternatives, and each part type must visit all of the machine groups in some sequence. The information we have to gather from a production engineer is the time that each piece must spend being processed on each machining center. This information is given in Table 1.1, where columns labeled TA, …, TD are the processing times (say, minutes) for each part type on each machine type. At this level, we are not really interested in the exact sequence of machine visits; probably, some technological reason will force a sequence of operations, but we want to determine how many pieces we produce during each period. To make this point clearer, let us say that we want to find a weekly production mix. Someone else will have the task to specify what has to be processed on each machine, on each hour of each day during the week. In most problem settings there is a decision hierarchy, whereby we first specify an aggregate plan, that becomes progressively more detailed while going down the hierarchy.
Table 1.1 Data for the optimal mix problem.

From Table 1.1 we immediately see that end items differ in their resource requirements. Hence, it makes no sense to express a capacity constraint in terms of the total number of items that we can produce each week. What we need to know is how many minutes of resource availability we have each week. This depends on the work schedule, labor and machines available, etc. Each machine group may consist of many similar or identical machines; hence, we are interested in the aggregate capacity, rather than the time that each single physical machine is available. To consider a simple case, let us assume that machine availability is the same for all of the four groups: 2400 minutes. Note that this is the availability, or capacity, for each machine group.
Another limitation on production stems from market size. If demand is limited, there is no point in making something we can’t sell (remember that, according to our assumptions, both capacity and demand are constant over time, so there is no point in building and carrying any inventory). Furthermore, we should consider the cost of producing an item and the price at which we may sell it. These market and economical data are given in the last three columns of Table 1.1. The cost given in the third column from the right refers to each single item and it may also include raw material, labor, etc. Further to that, let us say that we also incur a fixed cost of €5000 per week. We have already pointed out that this will not influence the optimal mix, but it makes the difference between being in the black or in the red. In the two last columns we see the price at which we sell each unit, which we assumed constant and independent from the number of items produced, and the weekly demand for each part type, which places an upper bound on sales.
Our task is to find the optimal production mix, i.e., a production plan maximizing profit. The task is not that difficult, as we just need two numbers. Let us denote by x1 and x2 the amounts of item P1 and P2 that we produce, respectively. Yet, we must be careful to meet all of the capacity and market size constraints.
A trial-and-error approach One thing we may try is to apply the same principle of the red and blue pens: P2 looks more profitable, since its profit margin is 100 − 40 = €60, which is larger than the 90 − 45 = €45 of item P1. So, let us try to maximize production of item P2. From the technological data, we see immediately that the bottleneck machine group, on which P2 spends the most time, is machining center B. An upper bound on x2 is obtained by assuming that we use all of the capacity of group B to manufacture P2:

One could object that the true bound is 68, as we cannot manufacture fractional amounts of an item. Anyway, we cannot sell more than 50 pieces, so we set x2 = 50, and then we maximize production of P1 using residual capacity. We should figure out which of the four capacity constraints will turn out to be binding. We can write the following set of inequalities, one per machine group, and check which one actually limits production:

which yields x1 = 43.33. For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that we are indeed able to make fractional amounts of items. This is somewhat true when we deal with things such as paint, and it is a sensible approximation for large numbers; rounding 1,000,000.489 up or down induces a small error. Why forcing integrality of decision variables may complicate things, and we should do it only when really needed. The production plan x1 = 43.33, x2 = 50 is feasible; unfortunately, total profit is negative:

What went wrong? Maybe this is the best we can do, and we should just shut the business down, or try reducing cost, or try increasing price without reducing demand too much. Or maybe we missed something. With red and blue pens, resource consumption was the same for both items, but in our case P2 features the larger resource consumption on machine B. Maybe we should somehow consider a tradeoff between profit and resource consumption; maybe we should come up with a ratio between profit contribution and resource consumption. It is not quite clear how we should do this, since it is not true that P2 requires more time than P1 on all of the four resources. Nevertheless, it could well be the case that, carrying out this analysis, P1 would turn out to be more profitable. So, let us see what we get if we maximize production of P1 first. In this case, machine group D is the bottleneck, and the same reasoning as above yields

Now we do not reach the market bound, which is 100 for P1, but then, since we use all of the capacity of group D for item PI, we must set x2 = 0. Fair enough, but profit is even worse than before: 45 · 96 – 5000 = −680.
Hopefully, the reader is starting to see that even for a toy problem such as this one, the art of quick calculations based on plausible and intuitive reasoning may fall short of our expectations. But before giving up, let us try to see if there is a way to make the problem simpler. After all, the difficulty comes mainly form capacity constraints and differentiated resource consumption. If we look a bit more carefully at Table 1.1, we see something interesting. Consider resources A and B: Are they equally important? Note that a plan that is feasible for group B must be feasible for A as well: P1 requires the same amount of time on both groups, whereas P2 has a larger requirement on B. We may conclude that group A will never be a binding resource. If we compare resource requirements for groups B and C, we immediately reach a similar conclusion. In fact, only resources B and D need to be considered.7
Now the perspective looks definitely better: We just need to find a solution which uses all of the resources B and D, as this will maximize production. Unless we hit a market constraint, there is no point in leaving critical resources unused. We should find two values for our two decision variables, x1 and x2, such that both machine groups B and D are fully utilized. This results in a system of two equations:

We will see a bit more about solving such a system of linear equations. For now, let us just say that solving this system yields the production mix x1 = 73.84 and x2 = 36.92, rounding numbers down to the second decimal digit; this results in a total profit of €538.46, which is positive! Intuition worked pretty well for the red and blue pens problem, but this solution is a bit harder to get by sheer intuition.
If this seems too hard, please have a reality check. We had to solve just a toy problem, ignoring all of the complications that make real life so fun:
- We had to deal with just two end items (they may easily be thousands).
- Demand was known with certainty (you wish).
- All of the relevant data were constant over time (same as above).
- We did not consider interactions between demands for different end items (if a customer wants both items P1 and P2, and we have not enough of one of them, we might well lose the whole order).
- We did not consider availability of raw materials (one of the most amusing moments you might experience in life is when you cannot finish the assembly of a $100,000 item because you miss a little screw worth a few cents).
- We did not consider changeover times between different item types (on very old press lines in the automotive industry, setting up production for another model required 11 hours).
- We did not consider detailed execution and timing.
- We did not consider substitution between raw materials; in some blending processes (food and oil), there are some degrees of freedom making the choice even more complicated (we cover blending problems in Section 12.2.3).
- We did not include integrality constraints on the decision variables, which would probably make our approach unsuitable (we will see how to cope with this complication in Section 12.6.2).
If we realize the true complexity of a real-life problem, it is no surprise that sometimes even getting a feasible solution (let alone an optimal one) may be difficult without some quantitative support. Hence, we need a more systematic approach.
A model-based approach In the case of red and blue pens, we hinted at the possibility of building a mathematical representation of a decision problem. Maybe, this can be helpful in a complex setting. To begin with, we want to maximize profit. Formally, this means that we want to maximize a function such as

We have already remarked that fixed costs do not change where the optimal solution is, so subtracting €5,000 is inconsequential. From the work we have carried out before, we see that capacity constraints can be represented as a set of inequalities:

If we also include nonnegativity of decision variables and market bounds, we end up with the following mathematical problem:

This is an example of a linear programming problem, where linear is due to the fact that decision variables occur linearly: you do not see products such as x1 · x2, powers such as , or other weird functions such as sinx2. Real-life problems may involve thousands of decision variables, but they can be solved by many computer packages implementing a solution strategy called the simplex method, and (guess what?) using this magic you get the optimal solution above. By the way, good software will also spot and get rid of irrelevant constraints to speed up the solution process.
A graphical solution As with red and blue pens, we are dealing here with a bidimensional problem. Each (linear) inequality corresponds to a half-plane. Since we must satisfy a set of such constraints, the set of feasible solutions is the intersection of half-planes, and is illustrated in Fig. 1.3. The shaded figure is a polyhedron, resulting from the intersection of the relevant constraints: these are the capacity constraints for groups B and D, and the market bound for item P2.
The parallel lines shown in the figure are the level curves of the profit function. For instance, to visualize all of the product mixes yielding a profit contribution of €2000 (neglecting the fixed cost), we should draw the line corresponding to the linear equation

Changing the desired value of profit contribution, we draw a set of parallel lines; three of them are displayed in Fig. 1.3. It is also easy to see that profit increases by moving in the northeast direction, i.e., by increasing production of both part types.
There is an infinite set of feasible mixes (barring integrality requirements on decision variables), but we see that a only a very few of them are relevant: those corresponding to the vertices (or extreme points) of the polyhedron, i.e., points M0, M1, …, M4. Point M0, the origin of the axes, corresponds to making nothing and is not quite interesting. Point M1 corresponds to making 50 items of P2, and none of P1; in fact, during our first attempt, we moved to that point first, and then to point M2, with coordinates (43.33, 50), which was our first mix. Point M4, with coordinates (96, 0), represents the second tentative mix we came up with. We see that the second solution was worse than the first one by checking the level curves of profit. Since level curves are parallel lines, and we should move along the direction of increasing profit, we see that the optimal solution must be a feasible point that “touches” the level curve with the highest profit. This happens at point M3, which in fact corresponds to the optimal mix.

Fig. 1.3 Graphical solution of the optimal mix problem.
The slope of the level curves depends on the profit margin of each item. For instance, if we increase the profit margin of P1, the lines rotate clockwise; if profit margin of P1 is increased enough, the optimal mix turns out to be point M4. In general, changing the economics of the problem will result in different optimal mixes, as expected, but they will always be extreme points of the feasible set, and there are not so many of them. Whatever profit margins are, only points M2, M3, and M4 can be candidate optimal solutions. If level curves happen to be parallel to an edge of the feasible set, we have an infinite number of optimal solutions, but we may just consider one corresponding to a vertex. In fact, the standard approach to solving a linear programming model, via the simplex method, exploits this property to find an optimal solution with stunning efficiency even for large-scale problems involving thousands of variables and constraints.
Incidentally, if we insist on producing integer amounts, we should only consider points with integer coordinates within the polyhedron. We may draw this feasible set as a grid of discrete points. Doing so, the optimal mix turns out to be x1 = 73, x2 = 37, with total profit 505. Understandably, profit is reduced by adding a further constraint on production volume. It is tempting to conclude that we may easily get this solution by solving the previous problem and then rounding the solution to the closest integer point on the grid. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and quite sophisticated methods are needed to solve problems with integer decision variables efficiently.
- Intuition may fail when tackling problems with many constrained decision variables.
- Mathematics may yield an optimal solution for the model. Because modeling calls for simplification, this need not be the best solution of our problem, but it may be a good starting point.
- Sophisticated software packages are available to tackle mathematical model formulations. Hence, we need to concentrate on modeling rather than on complicated solution procedures. Indeed, We focus on models for decision making, while just giving a glimpse of the computational solution procedures.
- Nevertheless, a suitable background in calculus and algebra is needed to gain a proper understanding of the involved approaches.
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