Rolled Steel Joints (RSJs) are used individually or embedded in concrete. Particularly for large openings and to support heavy loads, embedded RJS lintels are preferred. These lintels are also called as bressummers (Fig. 19.10).
For light loadings and short spans steel angles or channel sections in concrete are used. For large spans and heavy loads, built-up sections are used. Built-up sections comprise of three RSJs or channel sections which are held together at proper distances by tube-separators or cross-bolts. In order to protect these built-up sections from corrosion and fire they are embedded in concrete. In order to increase the bond or grip between the sections, a strip of metal lathing or wire netting is placed at the bottom of the steel section before concreting. The whole system is cured like an RCC lintel.

Figure 19.10 Steel lintel
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