As we have remarked in the previous section, we often have to cope with the impossibility of gathering in advance all the information we need to make a decision, partly because of uncertainty about future events, and partly because some variable cannot be observed directly. However, this is no good reason not to do our best to exploit partial information. In customer relationship management, we are not able to read a customer’s mind; nevertheless, we may observe her behavioral patterns and try to infer if she will be loyal and hopefully profitable, or not. The analytical tools of probability and statistics are commonly used for this kind of analysis.
A typical and quite familiar domain in which we have to settle for an observable proxy of an unobservable variable is medicine. Hence, to get a feeling for the involved issues, let us consider a medical problem. Quite often we undergo an exam to determine whether we are suffering from a certain illness. Thankfully, it is a rare occurrence that our bodies must be ripped open in order to check the state of the matter. Clinical tests are an indirect way to draw conclusions about something that cannot, or should not, be inspected too directly. Now, suppose that we have the following information:
- A kind of illness affects 0.2% of a population.
- A test can reveal the illness, if a person is ill, with a probability of 99.9%; i.e., if you are ill, there is a small probability (0.1%) that the exam will fail to detect your true state.
- The probability of a false positive is 1%; in other words, if one is perfectly healthy, the test may wrongly report the illness with probability 1%.
The issues of how this information is obtained and how reliable it is pertain to the domain of inferential statistics; for now, we will take someone’s word for it. We see that there are two kinds of potential errors:
- We may fail to detect illness in an ill subject (missed positive).
- We may see a problem where there is none (false positive).
We would like to know whether a person is ill, but the only thing we can observe is the result of the test. If the test is positive, we would like to draw the conclusion that the patient is ill in order to start an adequate treatment. However, we cannot be that sure. Hence, the question is: If the test is positive for a person, what is the probability that he is actually ill?
When I ask students this question, I make it somewhat easier and just ask them to tell in which of the following intervals the required probability lies: (0, 25)%, (25, 50)%, (50, 75)%, or (75, 100)%?
Please! Pause for a while before reading further, and try giving your answer.
If you have selected an interval with high probability, you are in good company. From my experience, the most voted interval is (50, 75)%. I guess the reason is that the professor maliciously insists on pointing out that the test is reliable, in the sense that if you are ill, the test will tell you that with high probability. Some students take me seriously, and vote (75, 100)%. Most students probably temper that with a bit of skepticism and choose (50, 75)%, based on some good old intuition. Very few students choose the correct answer, i.e., (0, 25)%.
Let us try to get the answer by a somewhat crude line of reasoning.
- Say that our population consists of 10,000 persons. How many should we expect to be ill? Taking 0.2% of 10,000 yields 20 persons; 99.9% of them will be reported ill, which is 19.98 (almost 20).
- How many false positives do we expect to get? There are (on the average) 9980 healthy persons out of the total of 10,000; 1% of them will be incorrectly reported ill, i.e., 99.80 (which is almost 100, i.e., 1% of the whole population).
- Then, on the average we will get
positives, but only 19.98 of them are in fact ill. So, the correct answer to our question is
This is certainly much less than 50%. The problem is that the fraction of ill people is (luckily) low, in fact much lower than the number of false positives. Indeed, we could get close to the right answer simply by noting that the fraction of false positives is about 1% and the fraction of correct positives is about 0.2%; if we take the ratio

we see that it was bad intuition leading us into the trap, as a closer look into the data is enough to show that false positives have a large impact here.
Now, on the basis of this result, you should sit a while and broaden your view by asking a few questions:
- If this is a cheap test, should we use a more expensive but more reliable one?
- Should we use this test for mass screening?
- What happens in the case of a false positive?
- What are the social and psychological costs of a false positive?
Of course, there are no general answers, as they depend on the impact of this illness, its mortality rate, etc. Moreover, spending resources for this illness may subtract funds from programs aimed at preventing and curing other types of illnesses. The last question, in particular, shows that in a decision problem there are issues that are quite hard to quantify.11 So, quantitative methods will definitely not provide us with all of the answers. Still, they may be quite useful in providing us with information that is fundamental for a correct analysis, information that we are going to miss if we rely on bad intuition.
Generalizing a bit, we note that a priori, if you pick a person at random the probability that he is ill is 0.2%. If you know that the test has been positive, that probability is updated to a larger value. The new probability of the event of interest (he is ill) is conditional on the occurrence of another event (the test is positive). We will learn about conditional probabilities where we develop a tool to tackle such problems more systematically, namely, Bayes’ theorem. Bayes’ theorem is the foundation of Bayesian statistics, which is increasingly relevant in practical settings in which either most past data are not relevant or you have none, and you have to rely on your subjective assessmen.
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