Plinth beams are constructed at plinth level in load-bearing wall for uniform load distribution and to even out settlement of buildings. They also allow to provide Damp Proof course at this level. Such beams are very much helpful to buildings in seismic areas. Similar types of beams are provided at lintel level and roof level. Through beams provided at lintel level and roof level are very much helpful for any alternations to be made in future. Further, they are also helpful in any underpinning work to be taken at a later date (Fig. 19.13).

Figure 19.13 Details of plinth beam
The minimum depth of plinth beams is 10–15 cm and should be provided to the full width of the wall above the plinth beam. The minimum reinforcement recommended is three numbers of 6 mm MS bars at top and bottom and longitudinal bars with 6 mm stirrups at 23 cm spacing.
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