Our first TDD session

For this example, we will create a program that converts Roman numerals to integers. Roman numerals represent numbers with seven symbols:

  • I, unus, 1, (one)
  • V, quinque, 5 (five)
  • X, decem, 10 (ten)
  • L, quinquaginta, 50 (fifty)
  • C, centum, 100 (one hundred)
  • D, quingenti, 500 (five hundred)
  • M, mille, 1,000 (one thousand)

To represent all possible numbers, the Romans combined the symbols, following these two rules:

  • Digits of lower or equal value on the right are added to the higher-value digit.
  • Digits of lower value on the left are subtracted from the higher-value digit.

For instance, the number XV represents 15 (10 + 5), and the number XXIV represents 24 (10 + 10 – 1 + 5).

The goal of our TDD session is to implement the following requirement:

Implement a program that receives a Roman numeral (as a string) and returns its representation in the Arabic numeral system (as an integer).

Coming up with examples is part of TDD. So, think about different inputs you can give the program, and their expected outputs. For example, if we input "I" to the program, we expect it to return 1. If we input "XII" to the program, we expect it to return 12. Here are the cases I can think of:

  • Simple cases, such as numbers with single characters:
    • If we input "I", the program must return 1.
    • If we input "V", the program must return 5.
    • If we input "X", the program must return 10.
  • Numbers composed of more than one character (without using the subtractive notation):
    • If we input "II", the program must return 2.
    • If we input "III", the program must return 3.
    • If we input "VI", the program must return 6.
    • If we input "XVII", the program must return 17.
  • Numbers that use simple subtractive notation:
    • If we input "IV", the program must return 4.
    • If we input "IX", the program must return 9.
  • Numbers that are composed of many characters and use subtractive notation:
    • If we input "XIV", the program must return 14.
    • If we input "XXIX", the program must return 29.

NOTE You may wonder about corner cases: What about an empty string? or null? Those cases are worth testing. However, when doing TDD, I first focus on the happy path and the business rules; I consider corners and boundaries later.

Remember, we are not in testing mode. We are in development mode, coming up with inputs and outputs (or test cases) that will guide us through the implementation. In the development flow I introduced in figure 1.4, TDD is part of “testing to guide development.” When we are finished with the implementation, we can dive into rigorous testing using all the techniques we have discussed.

Now that we have a (short) list of examples, we can write some code. Let’s do it this way:

  1. Select the simplest example from our list of examples.
  2. Write an automated test case that exercises the program with the given input and asserts its expected output. The code may not even compile at this point. And if it does, the test will fail, as the functionality is not implemented.
  3. Write as much production code as needed to make that test pass.
  4. Stop and reflect on what we have done so far. We may improve the production code. We may improve the test code. We may add more examples to our list.
  5. Repeat the cycle.

The first iteration of the cycle focuses on ensuring that if we give "I" as input, the output is 1. The RomanNumeralConverterTest class contains our first test case.

Listing 8.1 Our first test method

public class RomanNumberConverterTest {
  void shouldUnderstandSymbolI() {
    RomanNumeralConverter roman = new RomanNumeralConverter();    ❶
    int number = roman.convert("I");

❶ We will get compilation errors here, as the RomanNumeralConverter class does not exist!

At this moment, the test code does not compile, because the RomanNumberConverter class and its convert() method do not exist. To solve the compilation error, let’s create some skeleton code with no real implementation.

Listing 8.2 Skeleton implementation of the class

public class RomanNumeralConverter {
  public int convert(String numberInRoman) {
    return 0;                                ❶

❶ We do not want to return 0, but this makes the test code compile.

The test code now compiles. When we run it, it fails: the test expected 1, but the program returned 0. This is not a problem, as we expected it to fail. Steps 1 and 2 of our cycle are finished. It is now time to write as much code as needed to make the test pass—and it looks weird.

Listing 8.3 Making the test pass

public class RomanNumeralConverter {
  public int convert(String numberInRoman) {
    return 1;                                 ❶

❶ Returning 1 makes the test pass. But is this the implementation we want?

The test passes, but it only works in a single case. Again, this is not a problem: we are still working on the implementation. We are taking baby steps.

Let’s move on to the next iteration of the cycle. The next-simplest example in the list is “If we input "V", the program must return 5.” Let’s again begin with the test.

Listing 8.4 Our second test

void shouldUnderstandSymbolV() {
  RomanNumeralConverter roman = new RomanNumeralConverter();
  int number = roman.convert("V");

The new test code compiles and fails. Now let’s make it pass. In the implementation, we can, for example, make the method convert() verify the content of the number to be converted. If the value is "I", the method returns 1. If the value is "V", it returns 5.

Listing 8.5 Making the tests pass

public int convert(String numberInRoman) {
  if(numberInRoman.equals("I")) return 1;     ❶
  if(numberInRoman.equals("V")) return 5;
  return 0;

❶ Hard-coded ifs are the easiest way to make both tests pass.

The two tests pass. We could repeat the cycle for X, L, C, M, and so on, but we already have a good idea about the first thing our implementation needs to generalize: when the Roman numeral has only one symbol, return the integer associated with it. How can we implement such an algorithm?

  • Write a set of if statements. The number of characters we need to handle is not excessive.
  • Write a switch statement, similar to the if implementation.
  • Use a map that is initialized with all the symbols and their respective integer values.

The choice is a matter of taste. I will use the third option because I like it best.

Listing 8.6 RomanNumeralConverter for single-character numbers

public class RomanNumeralConverter {
  private static Map<String, Integer> table =
      new HashMap<>() {{                       ❶
        put("I", 1);
        put("V", 5);
        put("X", 10);
        put("L", 50);
        put("C", 100);
        put("D", 500);
        put("M", 1000);
  public int convert(String numberInRoman) {
    return table.get(numberInRoman);           ❷

❶ Declares a conversion table that contains the Roman numerals and their corresponding decimal numbers

❷ Gets the number from the table

How do we make sure our implementation works? We have our (two) tests, and we can run them. Both pass. The production code is already general enough to work for single-character Roman numbers. But our test code is not: we have a test called shouldUnderstandSymbolI and another called shouldUnderstandSymbolV. This specific case would be better represented in a parameterized test called shouldUnderstandOneCharNumbers.

Listing 8.7 Generalizing our first test

public class RomanNumeralConverterTest {
  @CsvSource({"I,1","V,5", "X,10","L,50",
  "C, 100", "D, 500", "M, 1000"})                           ❶
  void shouldUnderstandOneCharNumbers(String romanNumeral,
    ➥ int expectedNumberAfterConversion) {
    RomanNumeralConverter roman = new RomanNumeralConverter();
    int convertedNumber = roman.convert(romanNumeral);

❶ Passes the inputs as a comma-separated value to the parameterized test. JUnit then runs the test method for each of the inputs.

NOTE The test code now has some duplicate code compared to the production code. The test inputs and outputs somewhat match the map in the production code. This is a common phenomenon when doing testing by example, and it will be mitigated when we write more complex tests.

We are finished with the first set of examples. Let’s consider the second scenario: two or more characters in a row, such as II or XX. Again, we start with the test code.

Listing 8.8 Tests for Roman numerals with multiple characters

void shouldUnderstandMultipleCharNumbers() {
  RomanNumeralConverter roman = new RomanNumeralConverter();
  int convertedNumber = roman.convert("II");

To make the test pass in a simple way, we could add the string “II” to the map.

Listing 8.9 Map with all the Roman numerals

private static Map<String, Integer> table =
  new HashMap<>() {{
    put("I", 1);
    put("II", 2);    ❶
    put("V", 5);
    put("X", 10);
    put("L", 50);
    put("C", 100);
    put("D", 500);
    put("M", 1000);

❶ Adds II. But that means we would need to add III, IV, and so on—not a good idea!

If we did this, the test would succeed. But it does not seem like a good idea for implementation, because we would have to include all possible symbols in the map. It is time to generalize our implementation again. The first idea that comes to mind is to iterate over each symbol in the Roman numeral we’re converting, accumulate the value, and return the total value. A simple loop should do.

Listing 8.10 Looping through each character in the Roman numeral

public class RomanNumeralConverter {
  private static Map<Character, Integer> table =
      new HashMap<>() {{                                 ❶
        put('I', 1);
        put('V', 5);
        put('X', 10);
        put('L', 50);
        put('C', 100);
        put('D', 500);
        put('M', 1000);
  public int convert(String numberInRoman) {
    int finalNumber = 0;                                 ❷
    for(int i = 0; i < numberInRoman.length(); i++) {    ❸
      finalNumber += table.get(numberInRoman.charAt(i));
    return finalNumber;

❶ The conversion table only contains the unique Roman numeral.

❷ Variable that aggregates the value of each Roman numeral

❸ Gets each character’s corresponding decimal value and adds it to the total sum

Note that the type of key in the map has changed from String to Character. The algorithm iterates over each character of the string numberInRoman using the charAt() method, which returns a char type. We could convert the char to String, but doing so would add an extra, unnecessary step.

The three tests continue passing. It is important to realize that our focus in this cycle was to make our algorithm work with Roman numerals with more than one character—we were not thinking about the previous examples. This is one of the main advantages of having the tests: we are sure that each step we take is sound. Any bugs we introduce to previously working behavior (regression bugs) will be captured by our tests.

We can now generalize the test code and exercise other examples that are similar to the previous one. We again use parameterized tests, as they work well for the purpose.

Listing 8.11 Parameterizing the test for multiple characters

@CsvSource({"II,2","III,3", "VI, 6", "XVIII, 18",
"XXIII, 23", "DCCLXVI, 766"})                                 ❶
void shouldUnderstandMultipleCharNumbers(String romanNumeral,
  ➥ int expectedNumberAfterConversion) {
  RomanNumeralConverter roman = new RomanNumeralConverter();
  int convertedNumber = roman.convert(romanNumeral);

❶ Tries many inputs with multiple characters. Again, CSVSource is the simplest way to do this.

NOTE I chose the examples I passed to the test at random. Our goal is not to be fully systematic when coming up with examples but only to use the test cases as a safety net for developing the feature. When we’re finished, we will perform systematic testing.

A single test method or many?

This test method is very similar to the previous one. We could combine them into a single test method, as shown here:

@CsvSource({                   ❶
  // single character numbers
  "I,1","V,5", "X,10","L,50", "C, 100", "D, 500", "M, 1000",
  // multiple character numbers
  "II,2","III,3", "V,5","VI, 6", "XVIII, 18", "XXIII, 23", "DCCLXVI, 766"
void convertRomanNumerals(String romanNumeral,
  ➥ int expectedNumberAfterConversion) {
  RomanNumeralConverter roman = new RomanNumeralConverter();
  int convertedNumber = roman.convert(romanNumeral);

❶ All the inputs from the different tests are combined into a single method.

This is a matter of taste and your team’s preference. For the remainder. I keep the test methods separated.

Our next step is to make the subtractive notation work: for example, IV should return 4. As always, let’s start with the test. This time, we add multiple examples: we understand the problem and can take a bigger step. If things go wrong, we can take a step back.

Listing 8.12 Test for the subtractive notation

@CsvSource({"IV,4","XIV,14", "XL, 40",
"XLI,41", "CCXCIV, 294"})                                     ❶
void shouldUnderstandSubtractiveNotation(String romanNumeral,
  ➥ int expectedNumberAfterConversion) {
  RomanNumeralConverter roman = new RomanNumeralConverter();
  int convertedNumber = roman.convert(romanNumeral);

❶ Provides many inputs that exercise the subtractive notation rule

Implementing this part of the algorithm requires more thought. The characters in a Roman numeral, from right to left, increase in terms of value. However, when a numeral is smaller than its neighbor on the right, it must be subtracted from instead of added to the accumulator. Listing 8.13 uses a trick to accomplish this: the multiplier variable becomes -1 if the current numeral (that is, the current character we are looking at) is smaller than the last neighbor (that is, the character we looked at previously). We then multiply the current digit by multiplier to make the digit negative.

Listing 8.13 Implementation for the subtractive notation

public int convert(String numberInRoman) {
  int finalNumber = 0;
  int lastNeighbor = 0;                                      ❶
  for(int i = numberInRoman.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {     ❷
   int current = table.get(numberInRoman.charAt(i));         ❸
   int multiplier = 1;
   if(current < lastNeighbor) multiplier = -1;               ❹
   finalNumber +=
     table.get(numberInRoman.charAt(i)) * multiplier;        ❺
   lastNeighbor = current;                                   ❻
  return finalNumber;

❶ Keeps the last visited digit

❷ Loops through the characters, but now from right to left

❸ Gets the decimal value of the current Roman digit

❹ If the previous digit was higher than the current one, multiplies the current digit by -1 to make it negative

❺ Adds the current digit to the finalNumber variable. The current digit is positive or negative depending on whether we should add or subtract it, respectively.

❻ Updates lastNeighbor to be the current digit

The tests pass. Is there anything we want to improve in the production code? We use numberInRoman.charAt(i) when summing the final number, but this value is already stored in the current variable, so we can reuse it. Also, extracting a variable to store the current digit after it is multiplied by 1 or -1 will help developers understand the algorithm. We can refactor the code, as shown in the following listing, and run the tests again.

Listing 8.14 Refactored version

public int convert(String numberInRoman) {
  int finalNumber = 0;
  int lastNeighbor = 0;                                   ❶
  for(int i = numberInRoman.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
   int current = table.get(numberInRoman.charAt(i));
   int multiplier = 1;
   if(current < lastNeighbor) multiplier = -1;
   int currentNumeralToBeAdded = current * multiplier;    ❷
   finalNumber += currentNumeralToBeAdded;
   lastNeighbor = current;
  return finalNumber;

❶ Keeps the last digit visited

❷ Uses the current variable and introduces the currentNumeralToBeAdded variable

Now that we have implemented all the examples in our initial list, we can think of other cases to handle. We are not handling invalid numbers, for example. The program must reject inputs such as "VXL" and "ILV". When we have new examples, we repeat the entire procedure until the whole program is implemented. I will leave that as an exercise for you—we have done enough that we are ready to more formally discuss TDD.


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