Outliers and wrong data are quite common in data analysis. If data are collected automatically, and they are engineering measurements, this may not be a tough issue; however, when people are involved, either because we are collecting data using questionnaires, or because we are investigating a social system, things may turn out to be a nightmare. Having to cope with multidimensional data will naturally exacerbate the issue. While an outlier may be easy to “see” in one-dimensional data, possibly using a boxplot,1 it is not obvious at all how an outlier is to be spotted in 10 or more dimensions. Again, data reduction techniques may help. Missing data may also be the consequence of real or perceived redundancy. The following example illustrates a counterintuitive effect.
Example 15.2 Imagine collecting data in a city logistics problem. One of the most important measures is the percentage saturation of vehicles. No one would like the idea of half-empty vehicles polluting air more than necessary in congested urban traffic. So, one would naturally want to investigate the real level of vehicle saturation to check whether some improvement can be attained by proper reorganization. However, capacity is multidimensional. Probably, the most natural capacity measure that comes to mind is volume capacity.2 However, weight may be the main issue with certain types of items; before dismissing this issue, think of the impact of weight on the space needed to brake a fully loaded truck. Moreover, if small parcels are delivered, the binding constraint on a vehicle tour will be neither volume nor weight, but time, since driving shifts are constrained.
Table 15.1 Difficulties with missing multidimensional data.

Now, imagine administering a questionnaire to truck drivers, asking them an estimate of their average saturation level, in percentage, with respect to the three dimensions of capacity. The result might look like the fictional data in Table 15.1. There, we show the hypothetical result of three interviews. The first truck driver answered that he is 100% saturated in terms of time; the binding factor here is the number of deliveries, and he did not provide any answer in terms of the other two capacity dimensions, as they are not relevant to him and he had no clue. The second driver was quite thorough, whereas the third one did not consider time. In the table, we also give the maximum saturation percentage in the last column, over the three capacity dimensions, for each driver. The last row gives the average over drivers, for each dimension. Finally, we also consider the average of the maximum saturation for each driver. Do you see something wrong here?
The average of the maxima is

but if we take the average saturation with respect to time, we get a larger number:

This should not be the case, however: How can the average of maxima across dimensions (68.33%) be less than the average with respect to one dimension (70%)? This surprising fact is, of course, the result of missing data.
The example above may look somewhat pathological, since very few data are displayed; on the contrary, this is what happened in a real-life case, and we display fictional data in Table 15.1 just to illustrate the issue more clearly.3 The higher the number of dimensions, the more severe the issues with missing data will be. The hard way to solve this issue is to discard incomplete data, but this may considerably reduce the sample. Another strategy is to fill the holes by using regression models. We may fit regression models with available data, and we compute the missing pieces of information as a function of what is available. Clearly, this does sound a bit arbitrary, but it may be better than ending up with a very small and useless set of complete data.
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