Bricks and mortar are the materials used. Bricks may be of first, second, third or fourth class depending on the type of work.
As a general rule, the strength of a mortar need not be more than that of the bricks. Plasters should be more plastic and made of fine sand. Sand for mortar should pass through 64 mesh and for plaster 12 mesh. Table 16.1 gives the recommended mortars for different brick strengths.
Table 16.1 Recommended mortars for brickwork

Combination mortar is more plastic than cement mortar. For low-strength bricks, mortars of low strengths as given below may be used.
Cement and sand mortar 1:8; Lime, surki and sand mortar 1:2:6
Lime and sand mortar 1:3; Cement, lime, surki and sand mortar 1:2:4:20
Cement, lime and sand mortar 1:4:14
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