Image processing is a technique applied to images to get good-quality images and is used to extract the required information from the image. Image processing operation is divided into four categories.
- Image enhancementThe main objective of image enhancement is to process the given input image and get a better output image which is more needful to a specific application. With this process, image edges and boundaries are improved[1]. The enhancement method does not increase the content of the data but expands the dynamic range of selected features (Figure 6.1).
Figure 6.1 Image enhancement.
- Image segmentationIn this method, the image is divided into several parts (segments)[2]. The aim of segmentation is to modify the representation of the image that is more purposeful and easier to analyze. It is further needful for the object recognition (Figure 6.2).
Figure 6.2 Image segmentation.
- Image compressionIn this method, the size of the image file is reduced without reducing the quality of the image. This reduction in image file supports the storage of more images as well as makes them easier to transfer through the internet (Figure 6.3).
Figure 6.3 Image compression.
- Image restorationThis method includes cleaning up of the noise or corrupt points from the original image. In an image, corruption occurs due to many factors such as camera misfocus, motion blur and noise.
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