Quantum vs. Classical Physics, constitutes a prelude to our main feature. Unlike what you’d see in a movie theater, though, it is not a series of coming attractions. It is more like a prequel to the quantum story. Here we will introduce the way that physics worked—and sometimes didn’t work—before the unexpected emergence of quantum physics. An understanding of pre-quantum physics (or “classical physics” as it is now known) is essential for a true appreciation of the quantum world.
The Quantum Postulates, is a play-by-play account of the three main discoveries that ushered in the quantum era. It begins with the world’s first encounter with the “quantum of action,” which is followed by an introduction to the primary tools of the quantum workshop: light and atoms. In this part, we also analyze the transition from classical physics to quantum physics and encounter the occasional reluctance of the quantum pioneers to fully embrace their discoveries.
Quantum Mechanics, presents the bread and butter of quantum physics. Here we introduce the standard toolkit of quantum physicists: matter waves, the quantum wave function, and the Schroedinger wave equation. We also formally unveil the concepts of duality, uncertainty, and probability—essential features for anyone who wants to understand what quantum physics is really trying to say.
Interpreting Quantum Physics, throws the spotlight on the oddities and paradoxes that make quantum physics an evergreen subject of popular science. We make the case for the Copenhagen interpretation, the prevailing view of what quantum physics means, but also give the floor to a few competing views.
Grand Unification, takes us even further through the magnifying glass, beyond atoms to the smallest and most basic building blocks of nature. We introduce the elementary particles and the fundamental interactions between them. We also discuss the painstaking efforts of modern quantum physicists to derive a single theory that explains all aspects of the physical world.
Applications of Quantum Physics, explains how the basic principles and concepts presented throughout are applied in our everyday lives. We see how quantum physics is deployed to light our homes, guide our automobiles, and even heal our bodies. In addition, we finally turn to the real coming attractions and see a few ways that quantum physics is turning science fiction into reality.
We’ve included some helpful appendixes:
Appendix A, Glossary, provides a handy key you can use to decode the jargon next time you’re seated beside a quantum physicist at a dinner party.
Appendix B, Historical Timeline, lists the most significant events in the development of quantum physics in their chronological sequence.
Appendix C, Mathematics Supplement, provides a primer on some of the mathematical themes essential for a complete understanding of quantum physics. It also displays some of the most important equations to which we’ll refer throughout the text.
Appendix D, Additional Resources, points to a number of excellent places to turn for deeper, broader, or complementary views.
For those tangents and digressions that are just too good to skip, this deploys the following sidebars:

Essential terms for understanding quantum physics.

Common misconceptions or sources of potential confusion.

Some anecdotes and connections that make quantum physics all the more interesting.

Quantum Quote
Great thoughts by some of the great quantum physicists, in their own words.
We introduce you to the coolest cats in the history of quantum mechanics and give you a few hints about what made them purr.
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