Sometimes, no theoretical distribution seems to fit available data, and we resort to an empirical distribution. A standard way to build an empirical distribution is based on order statistics, i.e., sorted values from a sample. Assume that we have a sample of n values and order statistics X(i), i =1,…, n, where X(i) ≤ X(i+1). The value X(1) is the smallest observation and X(n) is the largest one.
Assume that we want to rule out values above and below the observed range. Then, we can write
The last condition implies FX(X(n)) = 1. Note that this is rather arbitrary; sometimes, small tails are appended to the extreme points of the observed range in order to avoid overfitting. This is, however, an arbitrary and ad hoc procedure. To assign values of the CDF for intermediate order statistics, we may simply divide the range from 0 to 1 in equal intervals, which results in the following rule:
For values falling between order statistics, linear interpolation is the simplest choice and results in a CDF like the one illustrated in Fig. 7.16. Given the CDF, the PDF is obtained. Clearly, choosing linear interpolation results in a kinky CDF with nondifferentiable points. In order to get a smoother curve, we could also interpolate with higher-order polynomials.19
Once again, we should remark that fitting an empirical distribution has some hidden traps. It is easy to trust available data too much and to obtain a distribution that reflects peculiarities in the sample, which do not necessarily carry over to the whole population. Furthermore, it is sometimes possible to come up with mixtures of theoretical distributions that do fit the data and eliminate the need for arbitrary choices, e.g., as far as the support and the tail behavior are concerned.
Example 7.10 One standard reason for rejecting simple theoretical distributions is that empirical frequencies may display multiple modes. Then, it is tempting to fit whatever we have observed, but this may result in a poor understanding of the underlying phenomena. Consider, for instance, the time needed to complete surgical operations. If we take statistics about these times, quite likely we will observe multiple modes. But this might be linked to the different kinds of operations being executed, which may range from quite simple to very complex ones. It is much better to fit discrete probabilities against the different classes of operations, and then to model the variability of the time within each class around the expected value for each one.
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