In general, presence of dampness results in poor functional performance, shabby appearance and structural weakness. Following are the effects of dampness:
- Presence of damp conditions causes efflorescence on the surfaces leading to disintegration of bricks, stones, tiles, etc., and in reduction of strength.
- Plastering may get softened or crumbled due to dampness.
- Paints on surfaces may get blistered, bleached and disfigured.
- Dampness may cause corrosion of metals used in the construction.
- Materials used as floor coverings, such as tiles, marble stones, etc., may be damaged due to loss of adhesion with the floor bases.
- Doors and windows and other timber works may get warped due to dampness.
- All electrical fittings get deteriorated and liable to cause short circuits.
- Dampness promotes the growth of termites and hence deteriorates materials and causes unhygienic conditions.
- Dampness added with warmth and darkness leads to breeding of germs which may cause some disease.
- Dampness creates an unhygienic working condition for the occupants.
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