While deciding the length of walls, the following end support conditions are considered:
- Free end of the wall
- Continuity of the wall
- Support from cross walls or piers or buttresses
- Openings
Various combinations of the above conditions and the effective length of a wall are presented in Table 17.3 (Fig. 17.10).
Table 17.3 Effective length of walls

Source: IS: 1905, 1987.
(i) H = actual height of wall between centre of cross wall/pier.
L = length of wall from or between centre of cross wall/pier.
(ii) If there is an opening taller than 0.75 H in a wall, then the ends of the wall at the opening are considered free.

Figure 17.10 Effective length of wall (Source: IS: 1905, 1987)

Figure 17.10 (Continued)
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