Early blight

This disease is very not unusual on tomato in addition to potato plants. The early blight is particularly due to Alternariasolani, which is basically a fungus. This is found throughout the United States. This first grows on the older parts of the leaves visible as a small brown spot that looks like a “bull’s eye”. As the disease matures, it spreads outward on the leaf turning it yellow before it dies. Afterwards top part of the plant starts getting infected. This disease is also seen on tomato seeds and tubers of potato. Early blight can develop or appear any time in the course of the growing season. Very high temperatures and wet and humid climatic conditions are most important cause of its spread (Fuentes, Yoon, Youngki, Lee, & Park, 2016) as shown in Figure 13.1.

Figure 13.1   Early blight in tomato leaf (Lycopersicon).


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