Convex sets

Convexity can be introduced as a fairly intuitive concept that applies to n-dimensional subsets of images. Spaces with multiple dimensions will be the subject of next chapter, but we can visualize things on a plane, which is just the set images of points with two coordinates. We use boldface characters when referring to a point images, with coordinates (x1x2). Subscripts refer to coordinates; for instance, point y has coordinates (y1y2). Generally speaking, in the next chapter we consider tuples x = (x1x2, … xn) in images, but two-dimensional visualization is what we need to grasp the concepts. Intuitively, a set S is convex if all of the points on the line segment joining two points x and y in it belong to S itself, for any choice of x and yFigure 2.24 illustrates the idea:

  1. Set S1 is a polyhedron, and is convex.
  2. Set S2 is a standard example of a nonconvex set.
  3. The last set S3 is a bit different, but nonconvex nevertheless. It is a discrete set obtained by considering only points with integer coordinates.24

Here is a formal definition of convexity that applies to subsets of images.

DEFINITION 2.16 (Convex sets) A set images is convex if, given any pair of points x and y in Sfor any real number λ in the interval [0, 1] we have


For an arbitrary value λ, λx + (1 − λ)y is just a way to describe the line passing through that pair of points (we know from elementary geometry in the plane that there is exactly one such line; this also applies to lines in spaces with multiple dimensions). If we restrict λ to the interval [0, 1], we are just considering the line segment between them. Indeed, if we set λ = 0, we get y; if we set λ = 1, we get x.


Fig. 2.24 Convex and nonconvex sets.


Fig. 2.25 Convex and nonconvex functions.


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