Important aspects which are to be considered in the construction of RCC tall buildings are given below:
- RCC frames are monolithic construction of columns, beams and slabs. Because of monolithic construction, deflection and bending moments are reduced which results in economical construction. Further adequate safety is ensured.
- An RCC frame essentially consists of beams, columns and slabs (as floor or roof). In case of large spans for better distribution of load, secondary beams spanning across main beams can be introduced.
- A typical frame of an RCC multi-storeyed building is shown in Fig. 18.1. It shows the monolithic construction of columns, beams, slabs and girders.
Figure 18.1 Details of RCC multi-storeyed building
- The concreting procedure is the same as for other structures. However, a sequential procedure has to be followed. Here the formworks for different members to be cast are first installed or erected in position. Necessary reinforcement is then placed and concreted. The formwork is removed after the concrete has attained adequate strength.
- The next member to be formed is taken up and formwork is fixed and concreting done. The general sequence is construction of columns followed by beams, cross beams and slabs together.
- As the entire construction can not be done in one stretch, construction joints are required to be provided at intervals. Further, in framed construction the joints should be at the point of minimum shear.
- The height of the columns is concreted so as to provide proper lap with the sides of the beams and columns in upper storeys.
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