Category: Dynamic Testing

  • Necessary steps

    Dynamic testing involves the following steps: These steps can be executed in an informal, undocumented fashion or, as described here, formally. The degree of formality of the process depends among other factors on the planned system usage (for example, safety-critical), the maturity of the development and test processes, time constraints, and the skills of the…

  • Systematic development of test cases

    The test objective is to verify that the specified requirements are fulfilled by the implemented component, and to identify any failures or deviations from the requirements. The objective is to use as little effort as possible to test as many requirements and identify as many failures as possible. To achieve this objective, you need to…

  • Test framework

    The test framework also provides the test object with input data, which usually requires simulation of the component that calls the test object. This task is performed by a test driver. The test driver and the stubs make up the test framework that, together with the test object, forms an executable program. The test framework…

  • A unit test framework is required

    The test object will usually use predefined interfaces to call other components, which are simulated by placeholders called stubs or mocks if the components themselves are not yet ready. Stubs simulate the input/output behavior of the components they represent.

  • Running the test object on a computer

    When we talk about software testing, most people imagine that it involves running a program on a computer. The term “dynamic testing” helps to clarify the situation. The test object has to be executable and is fed with input data before it is run. Because low-level test objects (component and integration tests) are not usually…

  • Introduction

    Describes the process of testing software by running it on a computer. It uses examples to illustrate various ways to specify test cases and exit criteria. Dynamic testing is based on black-box, white-box, and experience-based techniques. We explain what each category means and how to choose the appropriate one for your situation.