Category: Talking To The Internet With ARM
Internet Connected Fistbump: The Web Page
The web page consists of two files: index.html and sketch.js which contains the code which will detect a click and then send a message to the MQTT broker. The index.html file is quite trivial; it loads two libraries (p5.js and an MQTT library) and the sketch.js JavaScript code (which does all the work), enclosed by the…
Internet Connected Fistbump: Arduino code
The code below is commented fairly heavily, so I’ll only describe it here in general terms: The setup() function does 4 things: The loop() does the following: Note the first thing in setup() will cause the program to loop forever until the serial port is opened. This is to give you time to turn on the serial monitor, so that you…
Internet Connected Fistbump: MQTT Broker on
As mentioned earlier, provides a free public broker which anyone can use. This broker is accessed at Note that anyone else can potentially access your messages or even send you a message. If you want a private broker, you need to set up an account on To connect to the public broker we…
Internet Connected Fistbump: The hardware
The circuit for this project is trivial, consisting only of a hobby servo motor. You will also need a solderless breadboard and some jumper wires1. In Driving Bigger Loads (Motors, Lamps, and the Like) in Ch. 5, you learned how to control a simple DC motor. This type of motor is designed to turn continuously rather quickly,…
Introducing MQTT: the Message Queueing Telemetry Transfer protocol
Communicating on the internet utilizes a stack of protocols. The lowest level protocols interface directly with the hardware, while protocols higher up interface with those below them. This allows a variety of protocols to be developed without having to re-implement the lower levels. In terms of data, the lower level protocols handle individual bytes, slightly…
An internet connected “fistbump”
Hopefully by the time you read this the COVID pandemic will be well under control, but at the time of writing, social distancing is very much still necessary and we have all gotten used to giving gentle “fistbumps” (if that) rather than hugs or shaking hands. This project will allow someone to send you a…
As mentioned earlier, one of the wonderful things about these powerful ARM based Arduinos is the ability to handle complex networking protocols. We’ll show you how to make a simple internet connected project based on the MKR WiFi 1010. As the name suggests, this board has a build-in module that allows you to connect to a…