Category: Manufacturing Systems: NC, CNC, AND DNC
CAD/CAM involves the use of the computer to accomplish certain functions in design and manufacturing. CAD is concerned with the use of the computer to support the design engineering functions and CAM is concerned with the computer to support manufacturing engineering functions. The combination of CAD and CAM in the symbolic form is represented as…
In a computer integrated manufacturing system, all the manufacturing and business functions are integrated through computer networking. Manufacturing functions include CAD/CAM and business functions include all other activities in the organization like demand management, material management, purchasing, sales, marketing, etc.
Human Workers
Two types of labours are involved in a manufacturing system: direct labours and indirect labours. Direct labours perform some or all of the value-added work that is accomplished on the job. They directly add to the value to the job by performing manual work on it or by controlling the machines that perform the work.…
Computer Systems
A computer system is required to control the functions of the machines and to participate in the overall coordination and management of the manufacturing system. The objectives of a computer system are to give instructions to workers, transform part programs to machine language, control material handling system, schedule production, monitor safety measures, control the quality…
Material Handling System
The main objectives of a material handling system is to load, position, unload the job at each workstation, transport the job between stations in multi-station manufacturing systems, and store the finished jobs into the storage.
A manufacturing system consists of all the resources required to transform the material from its raw form to finished form. The resources involved in this transformation process may be man, materials, money, machine, management, energy, etc. A manufacturing system’s components may be broadly categorized as follows: