Category: Planning Of Buildings


    The basic objective of planning of buildings is to arrange all the units according to their functional requirements. This has to be achieved making best use of the space available. The plan has to be prepared based on the factors such as climatic conditions, location of site, accommodation requirements, surrounding environment, local bylaws, etc. In…

  • Types of Construction Based on Fire-Resistance

    Under this classification, buildings are classified into four categories based on the fire resistance offered by a building as Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4. Type 1: That provides 4 hours fire resistance. Type 2: That provides 3 hours fire resistance. Type 3: That provides 2 hours fire resistance. Type 4: That…

  • Occupancy Classification

    Under occupancy classification, buildings are grouped under the categories mentioned below. 1. Residential Buildings These include any building in which sleeping accommodation is provided for normal residential purposes, with or without cooling or dining or both facilities (e.g., houses, lodges, dormitories, apartment houses (flats), hotels, etc.). 2. Educational Buildings These include any building used for…


    According to National Building Code, buildings are classified based on occupancy and type of construction.

  • National Level Housing Organizations

    There are different levels of housing organizations which involve in policy planning, stipulating standards, research on housing and building, etc. 1. National Building Organization (NBO) National Building Organization established in 1954, works in close collaboration with the Planning Commission, Research Laboratories, Construction Departments, Housing Boards, etc. It is engaged in coordination and promotion of housing…

  • Priorities in Housing

    Major priority areas for housing and construction are briefed below:

  • Housing Programme

    United Nations has recommended certain norms to improve the quality of life of human beings. The norms stipulated are: (i) settlement policies and strategies, (ii) settlement planning, (iii) institutions and management, (iv) infrastructure and services, (v) land and (vi) public participation. Based on the above norms, housing programmes have to take the following steps:


    Housing is an important indicator of the level of country’s social progress. Among the basic requirements for mankind to live, shelter takes the place next to food and clothing. Shelter is needed to protect oneself from natural calamities, wild, animals and from fellow beings. As a matter of fact, human beings started from caves and…


    One of the primary needs of human beings is shelter (i.e., to live in a comfortable place called house). A building constructed using natural or man-made material forms the house. There are different national level organizations which deal with housing. Apart from just living, buildings are needed for different purposes. Accordingly the components are different.…