Category: Planning Of Buildings
A foundation is that part of the structure which is in direct contact with the ground and transmits the load of the structure to the ground. It includes the soil or rock of the earth’s crust or any special part of the structure which serves to transmit the loads into the soil or rock. The…
Before starting construction of a residential building, a site has to be owned at a desired place. A plan to be prepared as per the need of the person and necessary approval has to be obtained. The site clearance has to be done and then the actual work has to be started. The sequence of…
Orientation Criteria under Indian Conditions
Major factors which control orientation of residential building are solar heat and humidity. Climate-wise, Indian climatic conditions may be divided into hot-arid zone and hot-humid zone. 1. Hot-Arid Zones Such zones are also called as dry arid zones which are found mostly in the interior of the country away from the coast. Hence, to get…
Factors Affecting Orientation
Factors which may affect orientation are as follows: 1. Solar Radiation Solar radiation is directly related to temperature. From the solar radiation point of view, the orientation should be such that the building as a whole should receive the maximum solar radiation in winter and the minimum in the summer. Hence, it is necessary to…
Orientation of a building refers to the direction of the normal to the long axis. For example, if the length of the building is north-south, its orientation is east-west. The chief purpose of orientation of a building is to derive physically and psychologically comfortable living conditions inside the building. The orientation will provide the maximum…
Superstructure is that portion of a building which is constructed above the substructure. It is the major portion of a building which is fully used by human beings. It houses various facilities like number of storeys, floors, roofs, stairs, ventilation, etc. It is the one which provides adequate stability and withstands the adverse weather conditions.…
Substructure is the lowest portion of a building which is usually considered to be located below the ground level. The function of the substructure is to transmit the load of superstructure to the soil. The substructure is nothing but the foundation which is provided to give stability to the building and to distribute the load…
Parts of a building fall under two broad categories, viz., substructure and superstructure and all components of a building fall in any one of these categories.
This is a horizontal projection facing the open area including a handrail or balustrade to serve as passage or sitting out place.
Water Closet
The minimum floor area shall not be less than 1.1 m2 and height 2.2 m. This does not include a bathroom. Privacy is needed with arrangement for flushing the pan with water.