Category: Industrial Process Pollution Prevention
TEAM (Tool for Environmental Analysis and Management)
TEAM is an LCA software program that allows the user to build and use a database and model any system representing the operations associated with products, processes, and activities (waste management options, means of transportation, etc.). It is designed to describe and model complex industrial systems and to calculate the associated life cycle inventories (LCM,…
LCA and LCI Software Tools
Table 6.3 lists the LCA and LCI tools we shall discuss in this section, along with the vendor or developer of each and that organization’s Internet address. ECO‐it 1.0 ECO‐it is a database tool used to assist an LCI and LCIA. ECO‐it comes with over 100 indicator values for commonly used materials such as metals, plastics,…
Reporting the Results
When the LCA has been completed, the materials must be assembled into a comprehensive report documenting the study in a clear and organized manner. This will help communicate the results of the assessment fairly, completely, and accurately to others interested in the results. The report presents the results, data, methods, assumptions and limitations in sufficient…
Step 1: Identify Significant Issues
Significant “issues” are the data elements that contribute most to the results of both the LCI and LCIA for each product, process, or service. Examples include When these issues have been identified, the results are used to evaluate the completeness, sensitivity, and consistency of the LCA study (step 2). The identification of significant issues guides…
Life Cycle Interpretation
Life cycle interpretation is a systematic technique to identify, quantify, check, and evaluate information from the results of the LCI and the LCIA, and communicate them effectively. Life cycle interpretation is the last phase of the LCA process. The ISO has defined the following objectives of life cycle interpretation: It is not always possible to…
Step 1: Select and Define Impact Categories
The impact categories that will be considered as part of the overall LCA were selected as part of the initial goal and scope definition phase. To guide the LCI data collection process and required reconsideration for an LCIA, impacts are defined as the consequences due to the input and output streams of a system on…
Life Cycle Impact Assessment
The LCIA phase is the evaluation of potential human health and environmental impacts of the environmental resources and releases identified during the LCI. Impact assessment should address ecological and human health effects; it can also address resource depletion. An LCIA attempts to establish a linkage between the product or process and its potential environmental impacts.…
Life Cycle Inventory
A life cycle inventory (LCI) quantifies energy and raw material requirements, atmospheric emissions, waterborne emissions, solid wastes, and other releases for the entire life cycle of a product, process, or activity (USEPA 1993). Such an inventory is in the form of a list of the quantities of pollutants released to the environment and the amounts of…
Accuracy Required of the Data
The required level of data accuracy for the project depends on the use of the final results and the intended audience. (Will the results be used to support decision making in an internal process? In a public forum?) For example, if the intent is to use the results in a public forum to support product/process…
Conducting an LCA
To see the interrelatedness of the four components of an LCA, it is useful to refer to the flowchart shown in Figure 6.2. Goal Definition and Scoping The LCA process can be used to determine the potential environmental impacts from any product, process, or service. The goal definition and scoping phase will determine the time and…