Category: Multicolor RGB Flasher

  • The RGB FlasherThe RGB Flasher

    The RGB Flasher is an awesome Arduino microcontroller gadget that displays three colors (red, green, and blue) on one LED. You can easily build the circuit on the MakerShield, which will make it portable so you can carry it in your shirt pocket. You can use either the Fritzing diagram shown in Figure 9-4 or the circuit schematic diagram…

  • Circuit Theory

    Figure 9-2 shows a typical RGB LED with the wiring pinout names. There are three pins, one for each color, and one common pin for positive attachment to a power supply. Like the ordinary LED, the positive and negative pins are wired to the positive and negative points of a DC (direct current) circuit. To illustrate, Figure 9-3 shows three SPST (single…

  • Parts List

    Figure 9-1. The RGB Flasher block diagram

  • Introduction

    Free Running Switcher In past projects, one or two LEDs, usually red and/or green, were used as visual indicators, letting us know that the Arduino had completed a task or operation. But why limit ourselves to red and green? There is a type of LED that has three different colors all in the same package.…