Brick lintels are used for short spans up to 1 m with light loadings. Brick lintels generally consist of bricks laid on end points or edges (Fig. 19.9).

Figure 19.9 Brick lintel
Brick lintels are constructed over temporary wooden supports. Bricks with frogs are generally preferred as they form juggles when bounded. Such construction possesses more shear resistance at the end joints. Lintel formed by using frog bricks is termed as joggled brick lintel.
Following points are to be given due consideration while deciding brick lintels:
- Bricks should be first class standard bricks with sharp and square edges
- Depth of brick lintels should be multiples of brick courses.
- Bricks with frogs should be bonded using cement mortar of 1 : 3 ratio.
- Door and window frames should be fixed with a setback of 2.5 cm from the external face of the wall.
- Steel angles or flats may be provided at the bottom of the lintel.
- Brick lintels should not be recommended for supporting heavy loads.
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