Main tools used for brick laying are trowel, plumb bob, bolster, tri-square, lime and pins, sprit level, and brick hammer. Figure 16.3 shows the above tools and is explained below.

Figure 16.3 Common brick laying tools
1. Trowel
Brick trowel is usually about 30 cm long with a steel blade and a handle. The blade has one straight edge and one end curved edge.
2. Tri-square
It is used to set out a right-angled corner. It is like a large triangle having two legs. It should be used carefully to set the first course.
3. Plumb Bob
It consists of a piece of thick straight wood ruler with a piece of string which is fixed in the wood at one end and the metal plumb bob at the other end.
4. Line and Pins
The two pins used for brickwork have flattened and blunt point ends for inserting into the joints of brickwork as work proceeds.
5. Sprit Level
It is used to level the brickwork. It consists of a hardwood stock with anything from two to six bubbles. These bubbles are small, sealed inside a glass tube.
6. Brick Hammer and Bolster
Cutting of bricks to provide suitable shapes for the bonding is done with the club hammer and bolster.
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