Author: Muhammad Ahmad
Advantages and Disadvantages
There are at least five advantages of the electron beam process: Among the corresponding disadvantages and challenges associated with this process is the need to keep ammonia injection close to the stoichiometric point to alleviate any ammonia slip. In addition, large electron‐beam generators are needed for a large‐scale plant because the current electron beam has…
EIP Development
EIP development (EIPD) is a new paradigm for achieving excellence in business and environmental performance. It opens up innovative new avenues for managing businesses and conducting economic development. By creating linkages among local “resources,” including businesses, nonprofit groups, governments, unions, and educational institutions, communities can creatively foster dynamic and responsible growth. Antiquated business strategies, based…
What Is EIP?
According to Ernest Lowe, John Warren, Andreas Hein, and others, an EIP is a community of manufacturing and service businesses seeking enhanced environmental and economic performance through collaboration in managing environmental and resource issues, including energy, water, and materials (Lowe and Warren 1996). By working together, the community of businesses seeks a collective benefit that is…
Industrial Ecology
Industrial ecology (IE) is the study of material and energy flows through industrial systems. The global industrial economy can be modeled as a network of industrial processes that extract resources from the Earth and transform those resources into commodities which can be bought and sold to meet the needs of humanity. IE seeks to quantify…
In the United States, roughly 12 billion T of nonhazardous waste is generated and disposed of by the US industries. That amount is about is over 200 lb of industrial waste per person per day. The largest industrial contributors to nonhazardous waste are manufacturing industries (~7600 million T/Y), oil and gas production (2100–3600 million T/Y), and the mining industry (>1400 million T/Y). Contributors of…
Benefits of Waste Minimization
Waste minimization can protect the environment and often turns out to have positive economic benefits. Waste minimization can improve the following: Key Features: Industrial Environmental Management Process An industrial environmental management process (IEMP) and roles of environmental managers:
Waste Reduction
Waste reduction or minimization is a set of processes and practices intended to reduce the amount of waste produced. By reducing or eliminating the generation of harmful and persistent wastes, waste minimization supports efforts to promote a more sustainable society. Waste reduction involves redesigning products and processes and/or changing societal patterns of consumption and production. The…
Essential Roles of Industrial Environmental Managers
Industrial environmental managers (IEMs) working in manufacturing facility environmental programs are responsible for overall environmental management system (EMS) in a comprehensive, systematic, planned, and documented manner regarding waste minimization or reduction and compliance with environmental regulations and standards. These managers act as stewards of environmental ethics. The IEMs work closely within an environmental management process (EMP) team, including process…
Become ISO 50001 Ready
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) created ISO 50001 as a voluntary energy management standard to help organizations use energy efficiently and cut cost. The US DOE developed the 50001 Ready recognition program as a way to guide organizations in setting up an energy management system using the ISO 50001 structure. 50001 Ready allows organization…
Cost of Good Quality: Appraisal Costs
Appraisal costs are costs that occur because of the need to control products and services to ensure a high‐quality level in all stages, conformance to quality standards, and performance requirements. Examples include the costs for The total quality costs are then the sum of these costs. They represent the difference between the actual cost of…