Author: Muhammad Ahmad
Stem‐and‐leaf displays are useful for displaying the relative density and shape of the data, giving the reader a quick overview of distribution. They retain (most of) the raw numerical data, often with perfect integrity. They are also useful for highlighting outliers and finding the mode. However, stem‐and‐leaf displays are only useful for moderately sized data…
Stem‐and‐Leaf Diagram
The dot diagram is a useful data display for small samples, up to (say) about 20 observations. However, when the number of observations is moderately large, other graphical displays may be more useful. A stem‐and‐leaf display or stem‐and‐leaf plot, also called a stemplot, is a device for presenting quantitative data in a graphical format, similar to a histogram,…
Engineering Data Summary and Presentation
Before moving into the theory and practice of statistical process control (SPC), it is important that engineers get involved with exchanging ideas, and at each step of the way colleagues in engineering will be sharing information and data with one another, and engineers will be making presentations to decision makers who have no background in engineering. In…
In this chapter our major focus is on lean manufacturing of various products while applying techniques and methodologies to achieve zero defect in products, and significantly eliminate waste and discharges to environment from the manufacturing process. The quality of products, processes, and services has become a major decision factors in most industries and businesses today.…
Costs of Manufacturing Various Biobased Products and Energy
Over the next decades, a much larger fraction of fuels, chemicals, and materials will be produced from renewable plant materials. These biobased industrial products offer the potential for a much more sustainable economy based on environmentally superior products. This section briefly describes the associated costs of producing electricity, fuels, and chemicals from various feedstocks using…
Sustainable Economy and the Earth
Evidence that the economy is in conflict with Earth’s natural systems can be seen in the daily news reports of collapsing fisheries, shrinking forests, eroding soils, deteriorating rangelands, expanding deserts, rising carbon dioxide levels, falling water tables, rising temperatures, more destructive storms, melting glaciers, rising sea level, dying coral reefs, and disappearing species. These trends,…
Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste: Profitable Pollution Prevention at the City of Spokane, Washington (see Appendix G)
EXAMPLE 7.13 WASTE‐TO‐ENERGY The City of Newcastle‐Upon‐Tyne, UK, incinerates some of its municipal RDF for electricity production. The city operates two 13 MW RDF boilers, which have 88% overall efficiency. The RDF has an average heat content 1650 Btu/lb. Calculate the following: SOLUTION This is essentially a mass and energy balance problem, in which solid wastes with…
Global Developments
During the 2001–2007 period, the WtE capacity increased by about 4 million MT/Y. Japan and China each built several plants based on direct smelting or on fluidized bed combustion of solid waste. Japan is the largest user in thermal treatment of MSW in the world, with 40 million T. Some of the newest plants use stoker technology and others…
Waste‐to‐energy (WtE) or energy‐from‐waste (EfW) is the process of generating energy in the form of electricity and/or heat from the primary treatment of waste. WtE is a form of energy recovery. Most WtE processes produce electricity and/or heat directly through combustion, or produce a combustible fuel commodity, such as methane, methanol, ethanol, or synthetic fuels.…
Cost Indices and Estimating Cost of Equipment
Most cost data that are available for making a preliminary or predesign estimation are only valid at that time they were developed. Because prices may have changed considerably with time due to changes in economic conditions, some methods must be used for updating cost data applicable at a past date to costs that are representative…