Author: haroonkhan


    In this section and the next one, we consider the solution of a mathematical programming problem. We will do so essentially for linear programs, continuous and mixed-integer ones, but it is also important to get a feeling for more general, theoretical concepts in nonlinear programming. We will not cover nonlinear programming methods, but we will…

  • Piecewise linear functions

    Sometimes, there are nonlinear relationships between variables, which cannot be disregarded, as forcing the problem into a linear framework would result in a blatantly inadequate model. For instance, we may have to do with economies or diseconomies of scale: One possibility would be to resort to nonlinear programming solvers to cope with a nonlinear formulation.…

  • An optimization model for portfolio tracking and compression

    The portfolio optimization model that we have considered in Example 12.5 does not place any restriction on the composition of the portfolio. In practice, bounds are enforced, e.g., to limit exposure to certain risk factors; for instance, we might wish to limit exposure to emerging markets or to the energy sector. Another practical issue that is worth…

  • Plant location

    In the network optimization models of Section 12.2.4, we have taken the network structure as given. Hence, the decisions we had to make were tactical or operational, and just linked to flow routing. However, at a more strategic level, we have to make decisions concerning: As far as the last point is concerned, we have considered…

  • Lot-sizing with setup times and costs

    A classical example involving fixed charges is the lot-sizing model, which is essentially a generalization of the basic EOQ model to take into account multiple items, limited production capacity, and time-varying demand. To see why such a model arises, note that in the multiperiod planning models (12.26) and (12.27) we did not consider at all…

  • Fixed-charge problem and semicontinuous decision variables

    The knapsack model and its variants are pure binary programming models. In this section we get acquainted with a quite common mixed-integer model, arising when the cost structure related to an activity cannot be represented in simple linear terms. The fixed-charge problem is one such case. Let decision variable x ≥ 0 represent the level of an activity. The…

  • Knapsack problem

    Let us consider a trivial model for capital budgeting decisions. We must allocate a given budget B of money to a set of N potential investments. For each investment opportunity, we know We would like to select the subset of investments that yields the highest total profit, subject to a limited budget B. This looks like a portfolio optimization model;…


    As we have already pointed out, integer programming models may pop up when there is a need to restrict purchase or production decisions to integer quantities, maybe multiples of a standard batch. However, the most common reason for using such models is by far the inclusion of logical decisions. In this section we use a set…

  • Column-based model formulations

    Sometimes, we face management problems with quite complicated constraints, which seem to defy the best modeling efforts. Column-based model formulations are a formidable tool, which is again best illustrated by a simple example, namely, a stylized staffing problem. Imagine that we are running a post office, or something like that, with a lot of counters;…

  • Elastic model formulations

    An optimization model need not have a unique optimal solution. As we have pointed out in Section 12.1.1, the following can occur: Commercial solvers are able to spot infeasible mathematical programs, but, from a practical perspective, we cannot just report that, leaving the decision maker without a clue. It would be nice to provide her with…