Author: haroonkhan

  • The Process of Building a WBS

    Now that you understand what a WBS is and the importance it plays in your project, let’s review the key techniques, guidelines, and principles in building an effective WBS. In general, the process of breaking down work is something we do frequently and is a straightforward logical endeavor. However, there are frequently two common challenges…

  • Why Is the WBS Important?

    The Project Management Institute (PMI) considers the WBS the most important tool of the project manager. Why? More than any other project management tool, the WBS provides the foundation for defining and organizing the work needed to fulfill the project objectives. Through the WBS, the work to produce the targeted deliverables is structured, assigned, scheduled,…

  • Different Types of Breakdown Structures

    Another factor that can impact understanding of the WBS term and concept is that many industries utilize other breakdown structures and related acronyms that can confuse this subject. Therefore, to better understand what is meant by a WBS, you should be familiar with these other types of breakdown structures, as listed in Table 6.2, and how…

  • Isn’t WBS Just Another Name for the Project Schedule?

    Many industries and organizations routinely use the following terms in an interchangeable fashion: WBS, project plan, project schedule, and work plan. As you know by now, these terms do represent different project management elements and should not be used interchangeably. However, as with all less-than-ideal practices, there are reasons they develop. Understanding the reasons is…

  • What Exactly Is a WBS?

    The project management is not brain surgery and does not require advanced logic and reasoning skills to achieve winning results (I’m a great example of this). In most cases, the disciplines and terms used in project management are very common sense and obvious in nature. A WBS is a classic case. As the terms defining…

  • Introduction

    If you were to ask anyone off the street what they think of when they hear “project management,” you are likely to hear “planning.” And if you further ask them what they mean by “planning,” you are likely to hear “schedule” or “work plan.” Yes, even to the uninitiated, people know that project managers plan…

  • Project Plan Checklist

    Here’s a quick checklist that can help you to determine whether your project is planned properly and whether you are ready to proceed to execute your project: The Absolute Minimum At this point, you should have a solid understanding of the following: The map in Figure 5.7 summarizes the main points reviewed in this chapter.

  • Summary of Supplemental Project Plan Components

    The previous section introduced several new planning components, in addition to the core work plan, budget, and control elements you can expect, and referenced the impact that several of them have on the overall project planning effort. To help summarize and organize this information, see Table 5.1. TABLE 5.1 Summary of Supplemental Project Plan Components Project Plan…

  • Building a Project Plan

    The first step in building a project plan is to validate the elements of the Project Definition document. Depending on the length of time between acceptance of the project definition and the start of detail planning, you might need to confirm that there have been no changes in the purpose, objectives, success criteria, and scope…

  • Key Project Planning Principles

    Although most reasonable people will at least acknowledge there is value to planning at a logical level, many of those same people are less than emotionally committed to the practice. Why is this? Generally, it is because the project planning they have witnessed has violated one or more of the following key project planning principles:…