Author: haroonkhan
Determining Task Relationships (Sequencing the Work)
In this step, we think about what needs to be done first and what can be done at the same time. We want to capture the logical relationships that exist between the tasks in our WBS. The traditional technique used to capture these relationships is the network diagram. An example of a network diagram is…
Creating a Schedule
Because we are on this wavelength, let’s go ahead and review the key steps involved in building a project schedule. The steps are also summarized in Figure 8.4. We will follow up this section with a more in-depth look at a few of these: Let’s take a closer look at a few of the key steps.…
Key Inputs for Building a Schedule
The first step in building a schedule is to review the key inputs. Let’s make sure we are clear on these and where we are in the overall schedule development and planning process. To build a project schedule, you need five key inputs: Due to the amount of important information and the critical nature of…
The Goal of the Schedule Development Process
I’ve used terms such as “realistic” and “well-developed” to describe the type of project schedule we want to develop. Before we continue, let’s clarify what the goal of the schedule development process should be. The schedule development process should generate a project schedule that meets the following criteria: After reviewing this list, you probably see…
The Impact of the Project Schedule
The project schedule is the tool that merges all the work tasks to be performed, their relationships, their estimated durations, and their assigned resources to a calendar. Examples of partial schedules are illustrated in Figures 8.1 and 8.2. For most, specialized scheduling software (such as Microsoft [MS] Project) is used to produce a project schedule. For those managers…
It’s funny, really. The one activity that the common person associates with project management is planning, and the main output from this planning effort is a schedule. Yet, it is a challenge to find a project manager who can develop one accurately. Although scheduling is one of the two primary technical aspects of project management,…
Powerful Estimating Techniques and Methods
There are several key estimating techniques you should know about. Table 7.1 lists these techniques and summarizes the key characteristics of each. TABLE 7.1 Estimating Techniques Estimating Technique Key Characteristics Notes Analogous (top-down) estimating Used in early planning phases and project selection. Utilizes historical information (actual duration periods from previous projects) to form estimates. Reliable if WBS from…
Managing the Risk, Managing the Estimates
There lies the key challenge. How do you manage the uncertainty that is naturally involved with the estimating process? Because these estimates form the foundation for the project schedule and the project budget, you must implement techniques and approaches that enable you to properly manage this risk and the expectations of your stakeholders. Although this…
Next Step in the Schedule Development Process
Before we get into the details of estimating, let’s make sure we are clear on where estimating falls in the schedule development and planning process. If someone stopped you on the street and asked you for an estimate, what is the minimum information that you would need? You would need to know what the estimate…
Estimating. Nothing else symbolizes the challenges of project management better. Negotiate with senior management and customers to prevent “ball park” estimates from becoming your targets; team with subject matter experts (SMEs) and knowledge workers to develop accurate estimates for work that has never been done in these conditions, with these tools, by these people; assess…