The steady-state relationship developed from Darcy’s law for an incompressible fluid (oil) was presented as Equation. A similar relationship can be derived for a natural gas well by converting the flow rate from STB/d to MSCF/d and using the real gas law to describe the PVT behavior of the gas. Beginning with the differential form of Darcy’s law for radial flow,

where qact denotes the actual volumetric flow rate at some temperature and pressure in the reservoir. From the real gas law, the volumetric flow rate, qact, at any temperature and pressure is related to the volumetric flow rate at standard conditions, q, by

Bringing this expression to Equation 4-36 and separating variables yields

For steady-state flow with a pressure pe at the drainage boundary, re, and a bottomhole flowing pressure, pwf, at rw, integrating Equation 4-38 for average values of viscosity and compressibility factor yields

Expressing the flow rate in MSCF/d, reconciling the other usual oilfield units, and adding the skin factor gives the steady-state gas inflow equation

which also results in

Equation (4-41) suggests that a gas well production rate is approximately proportional to the pressure squared difference. The properties and
are average properties evaluated at a pressure between pe and pwf. (Henceforth the bars will be dropped for simplicity).
A similar approximation can be developed for pseudosteady state. It has the form

Equations (4-41) and (4-42) are not only approximations in terms of properties but also because they assume Darcy flow in the reservoir. For reasonably small gas flow rates this approximation is acceptable. A common presentation of Equation (4-42) [or Equation (4-41)] is

For larger flow rates, where non-Darcy flow is evident in the reservoir,

where 0.5 < n < 1.
A log-log plot of q versus () would yield a straight line with slope equal to n and intercept C.
Example 4-6. Flow Rate versus Bottomhole Pressure for a Gas Well
Graph the gas flow rate versus flowing bottomhole pressure for the well described in Appendix C. Use the steady-state relationship given by Equation (4-40). Assume that s = 0 and re = 1490 ft (A = 160 acres).
Equation (4-40) after substitution of variables becomes

For pwf increments of 500 psi from 1000 psi to 4000 psi, calculations are shown in Table 4-4. (Note that μ1atm = 0.0122 cp and Tpr = 1.69 throughout, since the reservoir is considered isothermal.)
Table 4-4. Viscosity and Gas Deviation Factor for Example 4-6

As an example calculation, for pwf = 3000, Equation (4-45) yields

If the initial μi and Zi were used (i.e., not averages) the flow rate q would be 9.22 × 102 MSCF/d, a deviation of 14%. Figure 4-6 is a graph of pwf versus q for this example.

Figure 4-6. Production rate versus flowing bottomhole pressure (IPR) for the gas well in Example 4-6.
Although this is done in the style of IPR curves as shown in this is not a common construction for gas reservoirs.
The “irregular” shape of the curve in Figure 4-6 reflects the changes in the Z factor, which for this example reaches a minimum between 2500 and 3000 psi.
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