Some studies show that TDD practitioners write more test cases than non-TDD practitioners. However, I do not believe that the test suites generated by TDD sessions are as good as the strong, systematic test suites we engineered in after applying different testing practices. The reasoning is simple: when doing TDD, we are not focused on testing. TDD is a tool to help us develop, not to help us test.
As I mentioned earlier, TDD is part of “testing to guide development.” In other words, you should use TDD when you want your tests to guide you through the development process. When you are finished with your TDD sessions and the code looks good, it is time to begin the effective and systematic testing part of the process I describe: change your focus to testing, and apply specification-based testing, structural testing, and property-based testing.
Can you reuse the tests you created during TDD in the effective and systematic part of the process? Sure. Doing so becomes natural.
Combining TDD and effective testing makes even more sense when both are done in a timely manner. You do not want to TDD something and then wait a week before properly testing it. Can you mix short TDD cycles with short systematic and effective testing cycles? Yes! Once you master all the techniques, you will begin to combine them. The practices I discuss in this book are not meant to be followed linearly—they are tools that are always at your disposal.
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