Other schools of TDD

TDD does not tell you how to start or what tests to write. This flexibility gave rise to various different schools of TDD. If you are familiar with TDD, you may have heard of the London school of TDD, mockist vs. classicist TDD, and outside-in TDD. This section summarizes their differences and points you to other material if you want to learn more.

In the classicist school of TDD (or the Detroit school of TDD, or inside-out TDD), developers start their TDD cycles with the different units that will compose the overall feature. More often than not, classicist TDDers begin with the entities that hold the main business rules; they slowly work toward the outside of the feature and connect these entities to, say, controllers, UIs, and web services. In other words, classicists go from the inside (entities and business rules) to the outside (interface with the user).

Classicists also avoid mocks as much as possible. For example, when implementing a business rule that would require the interaction of two or more other classes, classicists would focus on testing the entire behavior at once (all the classes working together) without mocking dependencies or making sure to test the units in a fully isolated manner. Classicists argue that mocks reduce the effectiveness of the test suite and make test suites more fragile. This is the same negative argument we discussed.

The London school of TDD (or outside-in TDD, or mockist TDD), on the other hand, prefers to start from the outside (such as the UI or the controller that handles the web service) and then slowly work toward the units that will handle the functionality. To do so, they focus on how the different objects will collaborate. And for that to happen in an outside-in manner, these developers use mocks to explore how the collaboration will work. They favor testing isolated units.

Both schools of thought use the test code to learn more about the design of the code being developed. I like the way Test Double (2018) puts it: “In [the] Detroit school, if an object is hard to test, then it’s hard to use; in [the] London school, if a dependency is hard to mock, then it’s hard to use for the object that’ll be using it.”

My style is a mixture of both schools. I start from the inside, coding entities and business rules, and then slowly work to the outside, making the external layers call these entities. However, I favor unit testing as much as possible: I do not like the tests of unit A breaking due to a bug in unit B. I use mocks for that, and I follow all the practices discussed.

I suggest that you learn more about both schools. Both have good points, and combining them makes sense. I recommend Mancuso’s 2018 talk, which elaborates on the differences between the schools and how the approaches can be used.


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