Mocks and expectations

Next, let’s discuss mocks. Suppose our current system has a new requirement:

All low-valued invoices should be sent to our SAP system (a software that manages business operations). SAP offers a sendInvoice web service that receives invoices.

You know you probably want to test the new class without depending on a real full-blown SAP web service. So, the SAPInvoiceSender class (which contains the main logic of the feature) receives, via its constructor, a class that communicates with SAP. For simplicity, suppose there is a SAP interface. The SAPInvoiceSender’s main method, sendLowValuedInvoices, gets all the low-valued invoices using the InvoiceFilter class discussed in the previous section and then passes the resulting invoices to SAP.

Listing 6.5 SAPInvoiceSender class

public interface SAP {                                        ❶
  void send(Invoice invoice);
public class SAPInvoiceSender {
  private final InvoiceFilter filter;                         ❷
  private final SAP sap;                                      ❷
  public SAPInvoiceSender(InvoiceFilter filter, SAP sap) {    ❸
    this.filter = filter; = sap;
  public void sendLowValuedInvoices() {                       ❹
    List<Invoice> lowValuedInvoices = filter.lowValueInvoices();
    for(Invoice invoice : lowValuedInvoices) {

❶ This interface encapsulates the communication with SAP. Note that it does not matter how the concrete implementation will work.

❷ We have fields for both the required dependencies.

❸ The two dependencies are required by the constructor of the class.

❹ The logic of the method is straightforward. We first get the low-value invoices from the InvoiceFilter. Then we pass each of them to SAP.

Let’s test the SAPInvoiceSender class (see listing 6.6 for the implementation of the test suite). For this test, we stub the InvoiceFilter class. For SAPInvoiceSenderInvoiceFilter is a class that returns a list of invoices. It is not the goal of the current test to test InvoiceFilter, so we should stub this class to facilitate testing the method we do want to test. The stub returns a list of low-valued invoices.

The main purpose of this test is to ensure that every low-valued invoice is sent to SAP. How can we assert that this is happening without having the real SAP? It is simple: we ensure that the call to SAP’s send() method happened. How do we do that?

Mockito, behind the scenes, records all the interactions with its mocks. This means if we mock the SAP interface and pass it to the class under test, at the end of the test, all we need to do is ask the mock whether the method is called. For that, we use Mockito’s verify assertion (listing 6.6). Note the syntax: we repeat the method we expect to be called. We can even pass the specific parameters we expect. In the case of this test method, we expect the send method to be called for both the mauricio and frank invoices.

Listing 6.6 Tests for the SAPInvoiceSender class

public class SAPInvoiceSenderTest {
  private InvoiceFilter filter = mock(InvoiceFilter.class);     ❶
  private SAP sap = mock(SAP.class);                            ❶
  private SAPInvoiceSender sender =
    new SAPInvoiceSender(filter, sap);                          ❷
  void sendToSap() {
    Invoice mauricio = new Invoice("Mauricio", 20);
    Invoice frank = new Invoice("Frank", 99);
    List<Invoice> invoices = Arrays.asList(mauricio, frank);

    when(filter.lowValueInvoices()).thenReturn(invoices);       ❸
    sender.sendLowValuedInvoices();                             ❹
    verify(sap).send(mauricio);                                 ❺
    verify(sap).send(frank);                                    ❺

❶ Instantiates all the mocks as fields. Nothing changes in terms of behavior. JUnit instantiates a new class before running each of the test methods. This is a matter of taste, but I usually like to have my mocks as fields, so I do not need to instantiate them in every test method.

❷ Passes the mock and the stub to the class under test

❸ Sets up the InvoiceFilter stub. It will return two invoices whenever lowValueInvoices() is called.

❹ Calls the method under test, knowing that these two invoices will be sent to SAP

❺ Ensures that the send method was called for both invoices

Again, note how we define the expectations of the mock object. We know exactly how the InvoiceFilter class should interact with the mock. When the test is executed, Mockito checks whether these expectations were met and fails the test if they were not.

If you want to see Mockito in action, comment out the call to sap.send() in the sendLowValuedInvoices method to see the test fail. Mockito will say something like what you see in listing 6.7. Mockito expected the send method to be called to the “mauricio” invoice, but it was not. Mockito even complements the message and says that it did not see any interactions with this mock. This is an extra tip to help you debug the failing test.

Listing 6.7 Mockito’s verify-failing message

Wanted but not invoked:
sap.send(                                     ❶
    Invoice{customer='Mauricio', value=20}
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.

❶ send() was not invoked for this invoice!

This example illustrates the main difference between stubbing and mocking. Stubbing means returning hard-coded values for a given method call. Mocking means not only defining what methods do but also explicitly defining the interactions with the mock.

Mockito enables us to define even more specific expectations. For example, look at the following expectations.

Listing 6.8 More Mockito expectations

verify(sap, times(2)).send(any(Invoice.class));   ❶
verify(sap, times(1)).send(mauricio);             ❷
verify(sap, times(1)).send(frank);                ❸

❶ Verifies that the send method was called precisely twice for any invoice

❷ Verifies that the send method was called precisely once for the “mauricio” invoice

❸ Verifies that the send method was called precisely once for the “frank” invoice

These expectations are more restrictive than the earlier ones. We now expect the SAP mock to have its send method invoked precisely two times (for any given Invoice). We then expect the send method to be called once for the mauricio invoice and once for the frank invoice.

Let’s write one more test so you become more familiar with Mockito. Let’s exercise the case where there are no low-valued invoices. The code is basically the same as in the previous test, but we make our stub return an empty list when the lowValueInvoices() method of InvoiceFilter is called. We then expect no interactions with the SAP mock. That can be accomplished through the Mockito.never() and Mockito.any() methods in combination with verify().

Listing 6.9 Test for when there are no low-value invoices

void noLowValueInvoices() {
  List<Invoice> invoices = emptyList();
  when(filter.lowValueInvoices()).thenReturn(invoices);   ❶
  verify(sap, never()).send(any(Invoice.class));          ❷

❶ This time, the stub will return an empty list.

❷ The important part of this test is the assertion. We ensure that the send() method was not invoked for any invoice.

You may wonder why I did not put this new SAP sending functionality in the existing InvoiceFilter class. The lowValueInvoices method would then be both a command and a query. Mixing both concepts in a single method is not a good idea, as it may confuse developers who call this method. An advantage of separating commands from queries is that, from a mocking perspective, you know what to do. You should stub the queries, as you now know that queries return values and do not change the object’s state; and you should mock commands, as you know they change the world outside the object under test.

NOTE If you want to learn more, search for “command-query separation” (CQS) or read Fowler’s wiki entry on CQS (2005). As you get used to testing and writing tests, you will see that the better the code, the easier it is to test it. We will discuss code decisions you can make in your production code to facilitate testing.

To learn more about the differences between mocks and stubs, see the article “Mocks Aren’t Stubs,” by Martin Fowler (2007).


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