Static testing and analysis of work products (documentation and code) contributes measurably to increased product quality. The describes static testing in general as well as the specific process involved, with its activities and the roles that have to be filled. We describe four proven techniques and their specific advantages, as well as the factors that ensure success when applying them. We conclude by comparing static and dynamic testing techniques.
An underestimated technique
Static testing (or “static analysis”) can be performed in a tool-based environment or manually, and is a testing technique that is often neglected. While the test object for a dynamic test is an executable program that is run using test data, static testing can be performed on any kind of work product that is relevant to the development of a product. Static testing can take the form of close examination by one or more persons or can be performed using appropriate analysis tools.
It’s all about prevention
The underlying concept of static testing is prevention. Errors1 and other deviations from plan are identified before they can have a negative effect during further development. All relevant work products are quality assured before anyone does any further work on them. This prevents faulty interim work products from entering the development flow and causing costly faults later on.
Static tests can be performed in a variety of situations (see below), and are often an integral part of the development process (i.e., testing resources are made available at the planning stage). For example, in safety-critical industries such as aviation and medicine, static analysis is an extremely important factor in ensuring the required product quality.
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