The V-model is an extension of the waterfall model (see [Boehm 79], [ISO/IEC 12207]). The advent of this model made a huge and lasting difference to the way testing is viewed within the development process. Every tester and every developer should learn the V-model and learn about how it integrates the testing process. Even if a project is based on a different development model, the principles illustrated here can still be applied.

The basic idea is that development and testing are corresponding activities of equal value. In the diagram, they are illustrated by the two branches of the “V”2:


Fig. 3-2The V-model

The left-hand branch represents the steps that are required to design and develop the system with increasing detail up to the point at which it is actually coded.2

The constructional activities in the left-hand branch correspond to the activities outlined in the waterfall model:

  • Definition of requirements
    This is where the customer and end-user requirements are collected, specified, and approved. The purpose and proposed features of the system are now stipulated.
  • Functional design
    The requirements are mapped to specific features and dialog flows.
  • Technical design
    The functional design is mapped to a technical design that includes definition of the required interfaces to the outside world, and divides the system into easily manageable components that can be developed independently (i.e., the system architecture is drafted).
  • Component specification
    The task, behavior, internal construction, and interfaces to other components are defined for each component.
  • Programming
    Each specified component is programmed (i.e., implemented as a module, unit, class etc.) using a specific programming language.

Because it is easiest to identify defects at the level of abstraction on which they occur, each of the steps in the left-hand branch is given a corresponding testing step in the right-hand branch. The right-hand branch therefore represents an integration and testing flow during which system components are successively put together (i.e., integrated) to build increasingly large subsystems, that are then tested to ensure that they fulfill their proposed functions. The integration and testing process ends with acceptance testing for the complete system.

  • Component tests ensure that each individual component fulfills its specified requirements.
  • Integration tests ensure that groups of components interact as specified by the technical design.
  • System tests ensure that the system as a whole functions according to its specified requirements.
  • The acceptance test checks that the system as a whole adheres to the contractually agreed customer and end-user criteria.

These test steps represent a lot more than just a chronological order. Each test level checks the product (and/or specific work products) at a different level of abstraction and follows different testing objectives.

This is why the various test levels involve different testing techniques, different testing tools, and specialized personnel. The presents more details regarding each of these test levels.

In general, each test level can include verification and validation tests:

Did we build the system right?

  • Verification involves checking that the test object fulfills its specifications completely and correctly. In other words, the test object (i.e., the output of the corresponding development phase) is checked to see whether it was “correctly” developed according to its specifications (the input for the corresponding phase).

Did we build the right system?

  • Validation involves checking that the test object is actually usable within its intended context. In other words, the tester checks whether the test object actually solves the problem assigned to it and whether it is suited to its intended use.

Practically speaking, every test includes both aspects, although the validation share increases with each level of abstraction. Component tests are largely focused on verification, whereas an acceptance test is mainly about validation.

The V-model’s hallmarks

To summarize, the most important characteristics of the V-model are:

  • Development and test activities take place separately (indicated by the left and right-hand branches) but are equally important to the success of the project.
  • The model’s “V” shape helps to visualize the verification/validation aspects of testing.
  • It differentiates between collaborative test levels, whereby each level is testing against its corresponding development level.

The principle of early testing

The V-model creates the impression that testing begins late in the development process, following implementation. This is wrong! The test levels in the right-hand branch of the model represent the distinct phases of test execution. Test preparation (planning, analysis, and design) must begin within the corresponding development step in the left-hand branch.


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