Classification of air-conditioning may be made based on functional point of view and process point of view.
1. Functional Point of View
Following are the two types of air-conditioning based on functional point of view.
(i) Comfort Air-conditioning
In this type of air-conditioning, air inside the room or the stipulated space is created so as to give the maximum comfort.
(ii) Industrial Air-conditioning
In this type of air-conditioning, such an atmospheric condition is created, as would suit to the needs of the industry during material processing, manufacturing, storage, etc.
2. Process Point of View
Following are the types based on the viewpoint of air-conditioning process (Arora and Bindra, 2012):
(i) Summer Air-conditioning
During summer the outside temperature is high and above the inside temperature of the room. Therefore the cycle of operations needed are air-cooling, dehumidifying, air distribution and air-cleaning. The cycle of operation for summer air-conditioning is shown in Fig. 28.1.
Figure 28.1 Cycle of operation for summer air-conditioning
(ii) Winter Air-conditioning
In winter, the outside temperature is low and below the inside temperature of the room and the cycle of operations needed are air-heating, humidification, air distribution and air-cleaning. This cycle of operation for winter air-conditioning is shown in Fig. 28.2.
Figure 28.2 Cycle of operation for winter air-conditioning
(iii) Composite Air-conditioning
In this type, air-conditioning has to be done throughout the year irrespective of the variation of outside temperature. In this the cycle of operations involves humidification together with air-distribution and air-cleaning.
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